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arclab software GdbR
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Fax: 0941/2802883

partiton of files into archives

The screenshot on the left shows the start-up screen of Packager MK1. The result of splitting up files is to be called "archive" in the following. The red numbers inside the screenshots mark the accompanying explanation.

For partition of files, click on button (1).

If you want to restore the split up files, click at button (2).

First, you have to select the source of the file(s). By clicking at the "source"-symbol (1) you open the "select-file-dialog", from which you can choose a file. If you want to choose more than one file: click at the first file and press the "ctrl"-key; you can select further files by keeping pressed the "ctrl"-key an click at these files.

The second step is to choose a target drive for the archives (2). Click either at the symbol for disk drive A or B! To select another drive (hard disk etc.), click at the symbol right beside "disk drive B".

As archive name you can (but you needn't) keep "packager.001" for the archive, which is automatically shown by the "save-as-dialog".

In the section "disk format" (3) you can select the desired archive size by clicking at these buttons. Standard type is "1.44 MB" for high-density disks. This means the archive you create fit in a 1.44MB disk. You can also select "2.88 MB" an "1.2 MB" disks or "ZIP100" for the Iomega ZIP Drive by clicking at these buttons. If you want to choose a different archive size, you have to click at the buttons "user-defined".

The button "Selfextracting archive" creates as first archive a self-running .EXE file. To restore the original source file(s), you won't need Packager MK1 then! In this case you simply have to start the first .EXE archive!

If the error-message "not enough diskspace" is shown, it means there is still some data on the disk. To get enought space, select the item "system", "format drive" from the menu. Through this menu item it is also possible to start Windows-Explorer.
The section below (3) shows a summary of your input. You can now proceed by clicking button (4).

In the section (1) a list of the selected file(s) is shown. Section (2) shows the progress of the partition. Below that, you'll see the request to insert disk 1. If a floppy disk is your target drive an you haven't yet done so, insert disk now! If you have chosen a hard disk as target, this step is obsolete.

Now you can start the partition through a click at the "GO" button. Insert, if necessary, one disk after the other when the requests to do so are shown on the screen. After the partition is finished a new window appears.

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